Dragons are probably the
most well known creature in the fantasy world. The are very large (usually)
and can fly. The have extremely strong scales which are used for protection
from attacks. Another one of their most useful and well known attributes
is their ability to breath fire. This means that they can shoot ultra-hot
bursts of fire from their lungs at an enemy etc.. Dragons also tend to live
in large caves high above ground. This is usually due to the simple fact
that their enemies cannot reach them as easily. When a new dragon is born
they are incredibly dependent on their families. This is usually the cause
until the new-borns are at the age of four or five. Without their parent
when they are younger than this age, they are incable of surviving by themselves.
This is because they have an incredible potential to be overwhelmingly
powerful. So when they are at a young age, their enemies tend to try to kill
them off as quickly as possible. Dragons also have the ability to speak.
Although their language may vary depending on their location which they live
in, it is usually English. When a human speaks to them, the dragons speaks
to them in such a way which makes them think twice about trusting any of
their friends etc... For example; when a person speaks to a dragon (for some
weird reason) they have a tendancy to turn against their friends. This
is another reason why humans in particular like to stay away from dragons.
Overall, dragons are definetely the most well-known and respected creature.
Dwarves are short and stout. They are very hardy, and
quite strong for their small size, are fairly slow, and can barely swim at
all. Dwarves eat a lot, and prefer living both above and below the ground.
They have awesome eyesight in the dark, and a keen sense of smell, but aren't
good at holding their breath at all.Dwarves are the natural warriors and
blacksmiths of the lands. Very comfortable working both above ground and
underground, Dwarves have a sense of Honor and vigilance that others cannot
touch. While they are shorter than most races, their strength to size ratio
is incredible, allowing them to surprise and conquer their enemies.With the
ability to create some of the most powerful items in the lands with their
natural blacksmithing abilities, the Dwarven cities are often visited by
many other races in search of the finest weapons and armor which can be
produced.Fairly intelligent by nature, the one skill set that Dwarves seem
to be lacking in is the ability to control high-level magic. While there
are many magic-using dwarves, they seem to have trouble with the more complicated
spells and methods.
Elves are slender beings that are roughly human size
(some shorter, some taller), and are quite dexterous and very intelligent.
They can be identified by their slanted eyes, and pointed ears. They have
an innate feel for magic and make excellent spell casters. They are at home
in the forest, and commune extremely well with nature. The Elven population
holds more Ranger and Scout positions than any other race, and they are said
to be able to track any living creature that walks, and most that fly. In
addition, Elven mages who master the magic of their language are said to
be some of the most powerful mages in the land, next to the Ku'tan.The Elves
have one of the largest and most beautiful cities in the lands, Daël.
This is their haven, and is said to have some of the most advanced magic
users in the lands.
Orcs are human-sized, and are usually pretty ugly,
with greenish brown scaly bumpy skin and some patches of black hair. They're
strong and healthy, but quite often slow and almost always extremely stupid.
Orcs tend to have a society of clans and chieftains, who are often at war
with one another - however they are much more organized than their counterpart
the Goblins. Orcs start at age 10 and are always disorderly evil in nature.
They worship the same god as their counterparts the Goblins, but focus more
on being the best fighting machines they can be rather than sneaky backstabbing
thieves. While the Goblins are the Infantry, the Orcs are considered to be
the Knights, able to wield larger weapons, take more damage before dying,
and fight with much more honor than Goblins.The chain of command is very
important to the Orcs, but they are known for assassinating their own leaders
if they show signs of weakness.
Ogres are large and very ugly, strong, but not very
fast. They are fairly intelligent; enough to do simple spell casting, and
control their servants, the Orcs and Goblins. Ogres love to eat, and they
need lots of food to survive. They can withstand lots of pain, and are Orderly
Evil in natureOgres are known for their chieftain mentality, controlling
nature, and general order. The most controlled of the northland races, Ogres
are excellent fighters and not half-bad magic users. Their thick hide protects
them from many forms of attack as well as the elements. They have a unique
culture that is evident in their cities, with Var'duk being their home. They
are close to their relatives, the Trolls, and are very war-like. They hate
the Dwarves with a passion, and will go out of their way to kill them.Ogres
are very loyal to their god, Droth, who protects them with vigil, and have
a similar leadership system to the Orcs; when a leader shows weakness, they
are killed and removed from that position. This way, the most powerful Ogres
hold positions in the government, and are always working on bettering themselves
to protect from those who might take their position and life.
Placed in this world by their god, Rasha, the Angels
are protectors of justice and all that is good. The exact opposite of Demons,
Angels create and help those who they can. They have the ability to heal
others through a unique skill as well as enter the astral plane with a simple
gesture.As with demons, they don't have any specific weaknesses other than
the Evil races do not care much for them, and the Vampires, in addition to
the Demons, loathe them.Angels are capable of flying short distances, and
are extremely proficient with natural and light-oriented magic. They have
high-level psionic abilities (on par with a Demon), and are extremely strong
and quick.
One of the most feared races in the lands, Demons are
the most dark and evil race in the lands. Specifically created by their god
Mheegus Khan to balance the introduction of Angels into the world, demons
thrive on the death and destruction of others. Extremely vicious, cunning,
barbaric, and vile, Demons are also very intelligent and capable magic users
- however many choose not to take the path of magic since they get great
joy from physically ripping their victims to shreds. In addition to this,
they are also very capable with Psionic abilities, which include the ability
to possess a host.Greater (or Elder) demons are the most feared since they
usually possess great physical destructive capabilities, as well as magical,
possession, and psionic abilities. However due to the fact that almost all
races loathe Demons, most do not live for very long.
Goblins are evil creatures whom are usually hated by
everyone. They are small thin creatures which live underground (in most cases).
They consistently dig underground and build huge mazes in rock. They have
the ability to find their way out of any difficult spot (mases or woods etc...).
They also have the ability to see in the dark. This is again perhaps one
of their most useful attribultes. They are evil in a sense that they are
bad creatures. They cause trouble whenever possible and they like to do things
that are accepted as being wrong by the general population. They are not
fighters though. They can be armed but they stand no real chance against
a human or most any other creature for that matter.While many other races
loathe the Goblin, they underestimate their capabilities. In history Goblins
have always been seen as hoarding attackers who were only strong in numbers,
however that has changed as the Goblins have begun to grow in strength and
capabilities. Goblins are almost as short as a Dwarf, and have green skin
and black hair. They are extremely war-like and have a very chaotic lifestyle
and history. Very talented with small bladed weapons, they can also bite
their prey and attack with their long nails. Their tougher than average skin
gives them an advantage over many races, and the fact that they're extremely
fast makes them lethal to the inexperienced victim. Goblins aren't too bright,
but they have a very good sense of danger to them. However due to this lack
of high intelligence, it is very hard for a Goblin to become a proficient
magic user, however experienced Goblin mages usually surprise their victims
to such an extent that the battle is very short.Goblins are very close to
their counterparts, the Orcs, and are quite often found living together.
However they often fight amongst themselves. Goblins are also very sneaky,
and love to steal things. Honor means nothing to them.
Lamurians are one of the most unique races in the
world. Masters of the oceans and all water-related technology and magic,
they are the fastest swimmers, and are extremely intelligent. They can come
out of the water, and move by either slithering about, or pulling themselves
with their arms, but they can quickly dry out, which can kill them. Anyone
who encounters a Lamurian on land can be guaranteed that there is some sort
of water source very close. Capable of tolerating both fresh and salt water,
they must consume large quantities of water when on land to keep themselves
hydrated.Lamurians are extremely capable warriors and magic-users. Since
their society is the largest one that exists underwater, they have been able
to spend the past few centuries working on their knowledge, skills, and personal
advancements, rather than bickering with other races and fighting wars.The
Lamurians are friends with the Ssslik, who quite often visit their cities
for short periods of time, and exchange goods.Lamurians have a very unique
underwater technology that allows them to create water-forged metals that
cannot be found anywhere else. Their weapons are so extremely sharp and light
(they have to be because of the water) that they are sought after as some
of the most proficient weapons in the world to land dwellers.
One of the strangest races in the Lands, the Ku'lak
is an advanced form of insect people who walk on 4 legs and have 4 arms.
They are similar in nature to a preying mantis, but much larger - standing
almost as tall as a man. Their hard shell makes them extremely resistant
to almost all the elements, and they are intelligent enough to have created
their own magic system.Very durable, strong and swift, but not very bright
individually, the Ku'lak have a unique language that is almost impossible
for other races to learn - a series of chirps and clicking sounds. Ku'lak
hardly need any water at all and are at home in the desert; however some
may be found in the deep Southland, separate from their desert kin. Ku'lak
feel no pain at all since their nerve receptors simply tell them that something
is not functioning properly. This makes the Ku'lak an extremely dangerous
foe, since they will not stop from the pain of inflicted wounds.While one
would assume the Ku'lak to be very aggressive and dangerous, they are
surprisingly Orderly Neutral in Nature, and do not have any blood enemies.
Most races leave them alone, especially since they can jump large distances
and fly short distances - giving them a huge tactical advantage to anyone
they wish to attack, or gouge as they are running. In addition to this, they
have the ability to spit the acid that they use when biting their
enemies.Worshiping the god who created them, Kulok is very protective of
his people and followers. A very organized and driven people, Ku'lak are
good with finances and with fighting others, knowing through their logic
who has the upper hand. Able to wield four weapons at a time, a master Ku'lak
warrior is one of the most feared fighting machines in the lands. While they
are capable mages that use unique insect-based magic, the Ku'lak are mostly
found as traders, and warriors.
Being a very unique race, the Dryads are the smallest
socialized race in the lands. Very frail, and weak, they have immense natural
magical abilities, and are capable of moving very fast with their gossamer
wings. Although much smaller, only standing 3 to 4 feet tall, Dryads are
similar in nature to Elves, which they are said to be related to.The Dryads
come from Lanly, a small town southeast of Daël. They are very private
and only allow Elves and Saris into their towns. Extremely capable mages,
rangers, and archers, Dryads are blood enemies of the Goblins and Orcs, who
actually fear them immensely because of their magical abilities.It is said
that grandmaster Dryad mages are some of the most powerful in the lands,
and most who come across a dryad in the forest are very weary for this reason,
not knowing if the creature is a master of magic, or simply a young inexperienced
explorer. Since Dryads don't reflect age very much, it's almost impossible
to tell how old they are by looking at them.Dryads are very susceptible to
Pain and don't have many natural resistances at all - one reason their magic
first focuses on defense rather than offense.The structure of their cities
is very unique, being built into trees and up into the branches. One other
reason why no other races are generally allowed in their cities is because
the other races are too large to navigate their bridges buildings!
A very dark and unique race, the Vampires origins are
not completely known, but rumor has it their god, Lithna created them from
a handful of select evil Humans during the birth of the second races, and
placed them in the deserted city of Cliffside, a perfect place for such evil
prowling creatures to live.Vampires are not contagious in Horizons; they
are a specific race of half dead and half living creatures that feed on the
blood of the living. Vampires have no particular weaknesses except that they're
extremely vulnerable to fire and lose their strength by almost half during
the day. For this reason they tend to prowl at night.A Vampire requires constant
blood in order to keep their abilities at an extremely high level. They are
extraordinarily dexterous and are extremely intelligent. They hunt their
prey much like animals hunt their food, hiding in shadows and jumping out
at the last moment. Vampires almost never become warriors, but the few that
do specialize in combat are extremely proficient at it.Possessing incredible
psionic abilities, Vampires have even been known to possess their victims
- to bring them to their place of hiding and drink their blood. Starting
at the age of 13, Vampires are Lawful Evil, and are blood enemies with the
Saris. The Vampires respect each other, and almost never kill one another
- those who do are immediately hunted down and killed by their own kind for
committing the most forbidden crime.Vampires cannot drink the blood of the
dead - their victims must be alive. For this reason, the Vampires have advanced
psionic paralyzation capabilities, which they use on their victims. However
some victims might require a fight and to be knocked unconscious before the
vampire partakes in its nightly dining experience.Feared by all, the Vampires
gain additional unique abilities as they grow older, including a polymorph
ability that allows them to turn into either a bat, or mist, and incredible
regeneration ability.Vampires are also known to be the lead Necromancy practicing
race in the lands. Since they already drink the blood of their victims,
harvesting organs is not a problem for them, and their dark goddess Lithna
loves the screams of anguish.Vampires have a respect for the Demons of the
lands, and are the only race that interacts with the Demons.
Being slightly larger than humans, Trolls are very
agile and much more intelligent than their northland counterparts. They also
have a unique regeneration ability that no other race, except the Vampire,
seems to share. For this reason, they run the Northland Empire's government,
and are almost always at the side of a controlling Ogre giving them advice.Trolls
are actually very competent with magic, and because of their dark nature,
have the ability to specialize in necromancy and other feared practices.
While their god is Droth, they have been known to worship other evil gods
in order to increase their abilities and knowledge.They have a high pain
tolerance, and are very sneaky, which makes them excellent at politics,
bartering, and misleading others.Trolls hate the Gnomes and have sworn to
rid the world of them.
Humans are considered the norm where statistics are
concerned and are very versatile and are found in all occupations. Found
in almost all areas of the world, they can easily adapt to the different
climates found in the lands. They have no particular strengths or weaknesses,
but do not possess any special abilities like many of the other races.The
Humans main capability is their ability to adapt to their surroundings and
learn new skills. You will find humans of all skill sets, some of them incredibly
masterful. They are quick to learn, and are good at focusing on more than
one task at a time.Humans also hold neutral positions with all of the other
races, and are allowed in almost all of the cities in Istaria, giving them
access to great merchant routes and specialized equipment that not all of
the races can obtain so easily.
Relatives of the Elves, Saris are world known for their
psionic abilities, which appear to be stronger than any other race except
their enemy, the Vampires. They are the same size of Elves, but have darker
skin, and much more chaotic personalities. Extremely fast and swift, they
are also very intelligent - this combination makes them excellent martial
artists and spell casters, as well as thieves', assassins and archers. They
generally require more rest and recuperation to heal from wounds than their
counterparts, mostly due to their psionic exertions.The Saris make their
home in the southern part of the Eastland, with their capital city being
Tanyl. They worship the same god as the Elves, Alassya. As with all of her
children, she is very protective of the Saris.Some of the best psionic teachers
in the world are found in Tanyl and Hillrod, however due to the chaotic nature
of the Saris, many races are not allowed in the cities.
Gnomes are small and thin, extremely intelligent, and
make excellent spell-casters and tinkers. Gnomes have skin that is quite
susceptible to the elements, and most of their abilities are on par with
dwarves, but they're more charismatic and quicker. Gnomes are almost completely
immune to pain due to some unexplained nervous system, which they can
control.Gnomes and Dwarves share a friendship that is related to their history
of being related in one way or another. Quite often Gnomes and Dwarves will
be found living together in harmony, the Gnomes balancing the Dwarves thirst
for war and creation with magic and knowledge.Because of their background,
Gnomes make excellent magic users as well as rangers. Since they don't have
the size to strength ratio, they are not common warriors, but are quick thieves
and rogues.
Another unique race of Istaria, the Ssslik are humanoid
reptiles that walk on two legs, and have rows of sharp teeth. They love warm
climates, especially jungles and deserts, and hardly need food at all. The
love swimming in the water and can hold their breath longer than any other
race.Being cold-blooded, the Ssslik's abilities are directly represented
by the climate they are found in. You will almost never find a Ssslik in
cold climate - and if you do, it'll be moving so slow that it will be incapable
of defending itself, let alone running away. This also means that Ssslik
found in the hottest parts of the lands will be faster and stronger. Rumor
has it that a Ssslik in the desert during the day is the fastest deadliest
enemy one can encounter.Ssslik are very money oriented, and are focused on
the acquisition of precious materials, goods, and especially bright shiny
things. They are capable warriors, and have a unique magic ability that almost
no other race can learn (due to the language being so hard to
Giants are a very large variety of Humans, usually
about 8 to 10 feet tall. They are very strong, but usually not so bright,
and they're not known for their quickness either. Giants eat more than any
other race, and have worse eyesight than humans, but can hold their breath
longer for swimming. That is, if they can find a lake deep enough. They also
feel less pain than most races.At home in the northern City of Ice, and many
other small cities spread through the world, they adapt to different climates
very easily, and are extremely capable of building structures in a short
amount of time due to their strength. They are generally unsocial, and don't
interact with other races very much except their distant cousins, the Humans.
There is a small group of Giants that live in the world capital city of Kar'dun,
and serve as protectors for the emperor.Giants are extremely capable hunters
and warriors, but are not very good with magic. They can wield some of the
largest weapons in the game, and are extremely hard to kill. Their size also
gives them an advantage by inflicting fear in their enemies.At this time,
the Giants are neutral with all of the races in the lands.